Fur against my face and the soft smell of a dog curled protectively around me existed before my first memories of this life.
Mom used to tell stories of me as a toddler, sleeping with my head pillowed on our Collie’s belly; of my brave furry protector forcing an uncle back into his car because I was outside without a parent. Never mind we lived out in the country where only relatives or nearby neighbors came to visit.
Tippy took his duties seriously, and executed them well. For ten years, he was a companion, a pillow, and a protector.
Under this seemingly idyllic existence, something dark was happening to me that my child-mind didn’t understand. My ignorance allowed me to form loving memories of my early years with Tippy.
Though I didn’t realize it at the time, Tippy was the beginning of my life-long love of dogs, and set the standard for all the furbabies who would be part of my journey.
We will always be with you--your furry angels who you can love and trust unconditionally and feel safe with. Though you won’t put this together until well into this lifetime, Collies will carry a special message for you, as do I. You will feel drawn to them, and they will appear at critical times to guide and support you.
But don’t overlook the other furries who appear in your life, for they also bring messages--to hope, to play, to love, and to look for the joy in this lifetime. For it is there, sometimes buried and forgotten in the angst of your self-punishment, but it is there. Good-bye for now, my beloved. I will always be available to you and now entrust you to another set of paws to share your journey.